Adult Sunday School
Sierra Hills Baptist Church is a family! The adult Sunday School class is like a family within that family. Sunday School is no longer just for kids! Adults need a time of spiritual feeding also. Because you are important to God, it is important to us that you can get plugged in and find your perfect fit. In our Adult Sunday School Class, you will connect with others, like yourself, for Bible studies, friendships, and activities. So, regardless of your age or background, Adult Sunday School is for you, and we certainly have a seat available and waiting for you!
Find the Class for you!

"Surrendered Hearts" is a class for ladies of all ages and all walks of life. This class is designed to encourage & enable ladies to grow spiritually in the Lord, get inspired to live for God, have a loving relationship with other woman in the church, and develop lasting friendships. Presently we are going through, "Living Beyond Your Capacity"; An in depth study in how the Holy Spirit desires to work in the lives of His children. Please be a part of this life changing class.
Pastor Wass' "Abiding in Christ" series. “The Christian life is a relationship. God desires to be with you and He desires for you to be with Him.” Learn how Jesus invites you to Abide with Him, experience His joy, obey His Word, Bear His fruit, and live for His purpose. Be a Part this 14 week series into how to "Abide in Christ".